PATIENT REGISTRATION FORM Name Dr.MissMr.Mrs.Ms.Mx.Prof.Rev. Prefix First Last Date MM slash DD slash YYYY Mailing Address Street Address City State / Province / Region ZIP / Postal Code #Home#CellEmail Age:Birth Date: MM slash DD slash YYYY Social Security Number:Race:Language:Ethnicity:Occupation:Employer:Work#:Emergency Contact:Relationship:Phone #:If minor, responsible party: If completed by someone other than patient;SignatureRelationship:Primary Care Physician:Preferred Pharmacy:Reason for your visit today (be specific)?Referred by:Please review and check the following complaints you have: Headaches Blurred Vision (Far, Near or Both?) Double Vision Poor Depth Judgment Eye Pain or Discomfort Floaters/Flashes of Light Other: Do you CURRENTLY have any problems in the following areas? If YES, please provide information.EARS, NOSE, THROAT (Sinus, Ear Infection, Chronic Cough, Dry Mouth, etc.) Yes No EXPLANATION OF PROBLEMCARDIOVASCULAR (Heart, Vessels, etc ) Yes No EXPLANATION OF PROBLEMRESPIRATORY (Asthma, Emphysema, etc.) Yes No EXPLANATION OF PROBLEMGASTROINTESTINAL (Stomach Ulcers, Intestinal Disease, Hepatitis, etc.) Yes No EXPLANATION OF PROBLEMGENITAL, KIDNEY, BLADDER Yes No EXPLANATION OF PROBLEMMUSCLES, BONES, JOINTS (Arthritis. etc.) Yes No EXPLANATION OF PROBLEMSKIN (Acne, Warts, Skin Cancer, etc) Yes No EXPLANATION OF PROBLEMNEUROLOGICAL (Muttiple Sclerosis, etc.) Yes No EXPLANATION OF PROBLEMPSYCHIATRIC (Anxiety, Depression, Insomnia) Yes No EXPLANATION OF PROBLEMENDOCRINE (Diabetes, Hypothyroid, etc.) Yes No EXPLANATION OF PROBLEMBLOOD/LYMPH (Cholesterolemia, Anemia, etc.) Yes No EXPLANATION OF PROBLEMALLERGIC/IMMUNOLOGIC (Hay Fever, Lupus, Sjogens, HIV, Aids, seasonal allergies, etc) Yes No EXPLANATION OF PROBLEMGENERAL(Fever, Weight Loss, Other) Yes No EXPLANATION OF PROBLEMMEDICATIONSList all medications that you currently take, including eye drops, over the counter medications, vitamins or supplements Add RemoveHow do you wish to pay for today's visit? Check/Cash/Credit Card Vision Insurance Medical Insurance (Please Present ALL Insurance Cards) Δ